About Me

I’m The Curiosity Coach, A.K.A Korynn Morrison. An aussie contemporary artist and self confessed cup overflowing personality, on a mission to help people find safety through creativity.

Since graduating from Sydney’s National Art School in 2012, I’ve been unnapologetically showering people of all ages with my own unique type of creative magic and helping people come home to themselves, one creative step at a time.

As a walking, talking example of what it means to be stubborn in service of pure passion, I use creativity and curiosity as a tool for helping your inner voice speak out loud.

Everyone is creative…

Some of us just need a little help removing the boxes that have our inner child caged.

That’s where I come in.

Whether this be through Studio Workshops, Creative Outdoor Adventures, or Progressive School Programs, Private Lessons or something designed specifically for you, creativity and curiosity are life skills that do not discriminate. They are a warm hug that whispers “Welcome Home.”

Curious about my own art practice?

Click Here.

Company Values

  • Passion is the hearbeat that gives The Curiosity Coach her spark.

    It pours out in all directions like a fountain splashing people along the way and inviting others to uncork their joy in the process. Passion gives permission for creativity to smile from the inside out.

  • Inspiration is the precursor to all creativity. A creative download of energy that moves us fearlessly into creative action.

    I teach people how to allow inspiration to flow through them with ease, as a practice of self discovery.

  • Curiosity leaves space for the unknown to become an infinite creative well.

    My role is to help people follow their own creative nudges, and say “yes” to the little glimmers within them that are yearning to be acknowledged. I ask questions to help people step out of their comfort zone and begin following their intuition.

  • I nurture vulnerability and show people how to make it their super power. By modeling and teaching people how to sit with Self and acknowledge their internal world, I help people realise that creativity can be a source of personal safety. One that can be relied upon when the external world feels overwhelming.

  • You are a work of art!

    Our inclusive model is designed to help you become more of yourself with each touch of the brush. I teach people how to acknowledge their uniqueness as an ongoing creative practice.

    By unlocking your creative voice you are giving permission for both your life and your art to be a reflection of your Authentic Self.